Asking price £175,000
2 Bed Flat/Apartment For Sale -
  • 2 Bedrooms
  • 1 Bathroom
  • 1 Reception

This 2 double bedroom first floor flat offers: Private entrance leading to the first floor landing, from where you have access to the front lounge, Separate kitchen with fitted units. Bathroom and two double bedrooms. This property also benefits from a top half portion of the rear garden and off-street parking to the side. Located within Lawrence Weston and access to local shops, Bus route into Bristol only 0.1 mile away, and M5 motorway access only 2 miles makes commuting less stressful. If you fancy visiting the historic Blaise Castle Estate with its walks and the lovely Blaise Hamlet, it’s only 1.4 miles. This is a great opportunity to step onto the ladder. Don’t miss out please call us today on 01179 501501

Looking for your first property. This could be just for you. This 2 double bedroom first floor flat offers: Private entrance leading to the first floor landing, from where you have access to the front lounge, Separate kitchen with fitted units. Bathroom and two double bedrooms. This property also benefits from a top half portion of the rear garden and off-street parking to the side. Located within Lawrence Weston and access to local shops, Bus route into Bristol only 0.1 mile away, and M5 motorway access only 2 miles makes commuting less stressful. If you fancy visiting the historic Blaise Castle Estate with its walks and the lovely Blaise Hamlet, it’s only 1.4 miles. This is a great opportunity to step onto the ladder. Don’t miss out please call us today on 01179 501501

Asking price £175,000
2 Bed Flat/Apartment For Sale -
Asking price £175,000
2 Bed Flat/Apartment For Sale -
Asking price £175,000
2 Bed Flat/Apartment For Sale -
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