Asking price £330,000
3 Bed House For Sale -
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • 2 Bathrooms
  • 1 Reception

The ground floor comprises of a modern style separate kitchen and well sized lounge/diner leading out through French doors onto the rear garden. On the first floor there are two further bedrooms one double and one single, with a family bathroom between them, there is a bath with shower over. The master bedroom is situated at the top of the house boasting from a en-suite and fitted wardrobes. Externally the property benefits from a private garden and a garage within a block with parking in front. The front of the property over looks the green of this modern Pavilions development. The property is situated within close proximity to Southmead Hospital, Airbus and the M4/M5 motorway networks and offers great routes in to the city centre. There are shops in close proximity and the property is also only a short walk from a number of green spaces such as Filton golf course and Southmead community centre. Viewings highly recommended.

The ground floor comprises of a modern style separate kitchen and well sized lounge/diner leading out through French doors onto the rear garden. On the first floor there are two further bedrooms one double and one single, with a family bathroom between them, there is a bath with shower over. The master bedroom is situated at the top of the house boasting from a en-suite and fitted wardrobes. Externally the property benefits from a private garden and a garage within a block with parking in front. The front of the property over looks the green of this modern Pavilions development. The property is situated within close proximity to Southmead Hospital, Airbus and the M4/M5 motorway networks and offers great routes in to the city centre. There are shops in close proximity and the property is also only a short walk from a number of green spaces such as Filton golf course and Southmead community centre. Viewings highly recommended.

Asking price £330,000
3 Bed House For Sale -
Asking price £330,000
3 Bed House For Sale -
Asking price £330,000
3 Bed House For Sale -
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