Offers Over £300,000
3 Bed For Sale -
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • 1 Bathroom
  • 1 Reception

The property consists of entrance porch, hallway, Lounge to the front, leading through into the kitchen where you can access the downstairs bathroom and rear back door onto the garden. Offering upper decked area, lower lawn with driveway access with a good size patio area with two storage sheds. This is an impres The property consists of entrance porch, hallway, Lounge to the front, leading through into the kitchen where you can access the downstairs bathroom and rear back door onto the garden. Offering upper decked area, lower lawn with driveway access with a good size patio area with two storage sheds. This is an impressive and spacious rear garden. To the front you have driveway parking for two cars. With the BAWA Heath & Leisure Club backing on the end of the road, Local bus route in and out of Bristol. Southmead Hospital only 0.2 mile of a mile away. This make for a very convenient location.

The property consists of entrance porch, hallway, Lounge to the front, leading through into the kitchen where you can access the downstairs bathroom and rear back door onto the garden. Offering upper decked area, lower lawn with driveway access with a good size patio area with two storage sheds. This is an impres The property consists of entrance porch, hallway, Lounge to the front, leading through into the kitchen where you can access the downstairs bathroom and rear back door onto the garden. Offering upper decked area, lower lawn with driveway access with a good size patio area with two storage sheds. This is an impressive and spacious rear garden. To the front you have driveway parking for two cars. With the BAWA Heath & Leisure Club backing on the end of the road, Local bus route in and out of Bristol. Southmead Hospital only 0.2 mile of a mile away. This make for a very convenient location.

Offers Over £300,000
3 Bed For Sale -
Offers Over £300,000
3 Bed For Sale -
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