Asking price £275,000
1 Bed Flat/Apartment For Sale -
  • 1 Bedroom
  • 1 Bathroom
  • 1 Reception

This well presented first floor flat in the 'Flour House' forms part of a prestigious development on Bristol's famous harbourside.

This modern one bed flat comprises of a double bedroom, separate bathroom with shower above the bath, and a large open plan living/kitchen/dining area. There is plenty of natural light throughout the flat due to three sets of French doors (one in the bedroom and two in the living area), each with a Juliet balcony, all facing South East. Flour House and the neighbouring Sugar House are the newest and last buildings within 'The General' development. Having only been built in 2019, the building is still covered by the LABC warranty until 2029. Within 'The General' there are also communal landscaped garden areas, restaurants and a private gym. Parking on street is available with the purchase of a residents parking permit for the area.

Asking price £275,000
1 Bed Flat/Apartment For Sale -
Asking price £275,000
1 Bed Flat/Apartment For Sale -
Asking price £275,000
1 Bed Flat/Apartment For Sale -
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