Asking price £215,000
2 Bed Flat/Apartment For Sale -
  • 2 Bedrooms
  • 1 Bathroom
  • 1 Reception

We offer this improved, contemporary style and spacious two double bedroom top floor apartment with far reaching landscape views towards Bristol city centre. The purpose accommodation comprises entrance hall, open plan lounge/dining room and recent fully fitted, modern style kitchen with high specification and attention to detail. There is main bedroom with en suite shower room, additional double bedroom and white, stylish bathroom. This excellent apartment benefits from secure gated parking space, visitor parking and communal gardens. Extensive lease, 133 years.

Asking price £215,000
2 Bed Flat/Apartment For Sale -
Asking price £215,000
2 Bed Flat/Apartment For Sale -
Asking price £215,000
2 Bed Flat/Apartment For Sale -
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