Fixed price £500,000
3 Bed House For Sale -
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • 1 Bathroom
  • 1 Reception

PRICED ADJUSTED TO A NON NEGOTIABLE FIXED PRICE OF £500,000 FOR PROCEEDABLE BUYERS ONLY. If you are looking for a property that has plenty of scope and potential to transform in to your ideal home, then this property may be what you are looking for. This 1930's built, semi-detached house, is now in need of some tender loving care and gives you the opportunity to create something rather wonderful. To the ground floor, the property currently comprises of Porch, entrance hall, through lounge and kitchen with a rear lean too / extension which was built many years ago. Upstairs, to the first floor, there is a landing, two doubles and one single bedroom, plus a family bathroom. There is off street parking to the front of the property and a shared drive to the side, as well as a fairly well over grown rear garden which will need a good bit of attention. With all this said, we have priced the property very keenly and expect a lot of interest.

PRICED ADJUSTED TO A NON NEGOTIABLE FIXED PRICE OF £500,000 FOR PROCEEDABLE BUYERS ONLY. If you are looking for a property that has plenty of scope and potential to transform in to your ideal home, then this property may be what you are looking for. This 1930's built, semi-detached house, is now in need of some tender loving care and gives you the opportunity to create something rather wonderful. To the ground floor, the property currently comprises of Porch, entrance hall, through lounge and kitchen with a rear lean too / extension which was built many years ago. Upstairs, to the first floor, there is a landing, two doubles and one single bedroom, plus a family bathroom. There is off street parking to the front of the property and a shared drive to the side, as well as a fairly well over grown rear garden which will need a good bit of attention. With all this said, we have priced the property very keenly and expect a lot of interest.

Fixed price £500,000
3 Bed House For Sale -
Fixed price £500,000
3 Bed House For Sale -
Fixed price £500,000
3 Bed House For Sale -
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