Guide price £625,000
5 Bed House For Sale -
  • 5 Bedrooms
  • 2 Bathrooms
  • 3 Receptions

A unique opportunity to acquire a semi-detached property offered with NO CHAIN which is currently presented as a three bedroom dwelling with a two bedroom annex both with own entrances within the enclosed porch. The main house provides a through lounge/diner, fitted kitchen, two bedrooms and family bathroom to the first floor with an additional bedroom to the top floor. The annexe consists of lounge/diner, fitted kitchen, bedroom and bathroom to the first floor and second bedroom to the top floor. At present the gardens are separated by fencing. There is a single garage accessed via shared driveway. The property can be reconfigured both internally and externally to create a spacious family home. Council Tax Band D Agents Disclaimer: The loft conversion to the main dwelling was completed in 1990 but was never officially signed off, an application has been made to Sevenoaks District Council for Restrospective consents.

A unique opportunity to acquire a semi-detached property offered with NO CHAIN which is currently presented as a three bedroom dwelling with a two bedroom annex both with own entrances within the enclosed porch. The main house provides a through lounge/diner, fitted kitchen, two bedrooms and family bathroom to the first floor with an additional bedroom to the top floor. The annexe consists of lounge/diner, fitted kitchen, bedroom and bathroom to the first floor and second bedroom to the top floor. At present the gardens are separated by fencing. There is a single garage accessed via shared driveway. The property can be reconfigured both internally and externally to create a spacious family home. Council Tax Band D Agents Disclaimer: The loft conversion to the main dwelling was completed in 1990 but was never officially signed off, an application has been made to Sevenoaks District Council for Restrospective consents.

Guide price £625,000
5 Bed House For Sale -
Guide price £625,000
5 Bed House For Sale -
Guide price £625,000
5 Bed House For Sale -
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