Offers in Excess of £675,000
5 Bed House For Sale -
  • 5 Bedrooms
  • 3 Bathrooms
  • 2 Receptions

Located in the 'Roe Green' vicinity of Kingsbury, this substantial five bedroom semi-detached residence enjoys a cul-de-sac setting in an elevated position with views across the area.

Sited within a cul-de-sac in the 'Roe Green' vicinity of Kingsbury and enjoying an elevated position offering views across the area, this five bedroom bay-fronted semi-detached residence provides substantial living space. Having been added to its original design this home provides flexible accommodation with a ground floor shower room and the option of a ground floor bedroom which could be appealing as a guest room or suiting families with the older, less able generation residing with them. There are also the options of utilising this room as an office/study, children's playroom or perhaps a home gym. The receptive hallway gives access to the guest cloakroom, two inter-communicating reception rooms, clearly defined as lounging and dining areas with the rear room opening out through double doors to a sizeable rear garden measuring 100’ x 29', a good-sized (15'9" x 8'10") kitchen together and a conservatory also overlooking and leading out to the garden. The upper floor accommodates four bedrooms and a family bathroom. A further attribute to this home is off street parking facilities to the front garden. Highfield Close is situated within less than quarter of a mile of Roe Green Park with tennis and basketball courts along with a children's playground. Well regarded schools such as Kingsbury High School and numerous Primary Schools are all within half a mile to a mile radius and Kingsbury High Road offers a vast variety of local shopping amenities, supermarkets, bus routes, medical/dental practices, eateries and a gym and for those that need to commute, Kingsbury’s Jubilee Line tube station (zone 4) is also positioned on Kingsbury Road and makes a journey into Central London in around 20 minutes.

Offers in Excess of £675,000
5 Bed House For Sale -
Offers in Excess of £675,000
5 Bed House For Sale -
Offers in Excess of £675,000
5 Bed House For Sale -
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