Offers Over £425,000
3 Bed House For Sale -
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • 2 Bathrooms
  • 1 Reception

A fabulous three-bedroom detached home with garage and off-street parking located in Staple Hill. Upon entering the property, you are greeted with an entrance hall, which leads into the main lounge. Adjacent to this you can find your kitchen dining room which features French doors onto the rear garden. The ground floor also benefits a WC. Upstairs you will find three double bedrooms all benefiting built-in wardrobes, with the third bedroom also boasting a balcony. The upstairs is also complete with main family bathroom, and an en-suite to master bedroom. Externally this property offers off-street parking with side access to the rear garden which is complete with patio and artificial grass.

Offers Over £425,000
3 Bed House For Sale -
Offers Over £425,000
3 Bed House For Sale -
Offers Over £425,000
3 Bed House For Sale -
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