Asking price £640,000
4 Bed House For Sale -
  • 4 Bedrooms
  • 1 Reception

A spacious 3/4 bedroom semi-detached property located within this small cul-de-sac on the fringes of Otford village convenient for local shops and amenities as well as rail station with good service to London Victoria and Blackfriars. The property offers well planned accommodation which flows on entering into an entrance porch that leads into a hallway where there is a cloakroom and staircase. The main reception has a fireplace with fitted log burner with the room narrowing to a dining area and beyond into the fitted kitchen that overlooks the garden. The kitchen opens into a separate reception room that could be a 4th bedroom that opens onto the garden. Upstairs are 2 double bedrooms and a study/nursery and family bathroom with stairs that lead to a large main bedroom with en-suite shower facilities. Outside is delightful 56' x 39' rear garden offering a good level of seclusion and to the front is ample off road parking with a tandem garage.

A spacious 3/4 bedroom semi-detached property located within this small cul-de-sac on the fringes of Otford village convenient for local shops and amenities as well as rail station with good service to London Victoria and Blackfriars. The property offers well planned accommodation which flows on entering into an entrance porch that leads into a hallway where there is a cloakroom and staircase. The main reception has a fireplace with fitted log burner with the room narrowing to a dining area and beyond into the fitted kitchen that overlooks the garden. The kitchen opens into a separate reception room that could be a 4th bedroom that opens onto the garden. Upstairs are 2 double bedrooms and a study/nursery and family bathroom with stairs that lead to a large main bedroom with en- suite shower facilities. Outside is delightful 56' x 39' rear garden offering a good level of seclusion and to the front is ample off road parking with a tandem garage.

Asking price £640,000
4 Bed House For Sale -
Asking price £640,000
4 Bed House For Sale -
Asking price £640,000
4 Bed House For Sale -
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