Offers in Excess of £375,000
3 Bed Maisonette For Sale -
  • 3 Bedrooms
  • 3 Bathrooms
  • 1 Reception

Occupying the ground floor, this well presented maisonette provides well proportioned light and airy accommodation. Entry via personal front door leads to the entrance hall giving access to cloakroom, modern fitted kitchen with complimentary tiling, 16'2 x 11'0 sitting room, two double bedroom, both with en-suites and an additional third bedroom/study. To the rear of the property is a delightful and well maintained 71' long garden with extensive patio area, decked area, lawn and assortment of trees/shrubs. To the front of the property is a brick paved driveway providing ample off road parking. NO ONWARD CHAIN. Council Tax Band D.

Occupying the ground floor, this well presented maisonette provides well proportioned light and airy accommodation. Entry via personal front door leads to the entrance hall giving access to cloakroom, modern fitted kitchen with complimentary tiling, 16'2 x 11'0 sitting room, two double bedroom, both with en-suites and an additional third bedroom/study. To the rear of the property is a delightful and well maintained 71' long garden with extensive patio area, decked area, lawn and assortment of trees/shrubs. To the front of the property is a brick paved driveway providing ample off road parking. NO ONWARD CHAIN. Council Tax Band D.

Offers in Excess of £375,000
3 Bed Maisonette For Sale -
Offers in Excess of £375,000
3 Bed Maisonette For Sale -
Offers in Excess of £375,000
3 Bed Maisonette For Sale -
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