Offers in Excess of £180,000
2 Bed For Sale -
  • 2 Bedrooms
  • 1 Bathroom
  • 1 Reception

FOR SALE VIA THE MODERN METHOD OF AUCTION. Located in Bishops Cleeve, this two-bedroom house offers the added benefit of an enclosed rear garden. The accommodation includes an entrance hallway, leading to the kitchen with access to the garden, and a lounge/diner. On the first floor, you’ll find the main double bedroom, a second double bedroom, and a bathroom with a shower over the bath. The property also features gas central heating.

This property is for sale by Modern Method of Auction allowing the buyer and seller to complete within a 56 Day Reservation Period. Interested parties’ personal data will be shared with the Auctioneer (iamsold Ltd). If considering a mortgage, inspect and consider the property carefully with your lender before bidding. A Buyer Information Pack is provided, which you must view before bidding. The buyer is responsible for the Pack fee. For the most recent information on the Buyer Information Pack fee, please contact the iamsold team. The buyer signs a Reservation Agreement and makes payment of a Non-Refundable Reservation Fee of 4.5% of the purchase price inc VAT, subject to a minimum of £6,600 inc. VAT. This Fee is paid to reserve the property to the buyer during the Reservation Period and is paid in addition to the purchase price. The Fee is considered within calculations for stamp duty. Services may be recommended by the Agent/Auctioneer in which they will receive payment from the service provider if the service is taken. Payment varies but will be no more than £960 inc. VAT. These services are optional.

Offers in Excess of £180,000
2 Bed For Sale -
Offers in Excess of £180,000
2 Bed For Sale -
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