Complaints procedure
We take customer satisfaction seriously and that’s why it’s important for us to know when things go wrong. Telling us about it gives us the chance to fix things for you and make improvements. This page explains how you can make a complaint to us and what we will do with it.
Contact us
We want to sort things out for you as soon as we can. The easiest and quickest way is by talking to your local branch, but alternatively you can:
Call us on 0117 4563799
Send us an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (if you are sending personal information, we recommend that you contact us first so we can arrange for your email to be sent encrypted.)
Write to us at: Complaints, 42B High Street, Keynsham, Bristol, BS31 1DX. Please include as much detail as possible about what's gone wrong, along with your name, address, contact number and a convenient time for us to call you.
What we'll need
Please provide us with as much information as possible when making your complaint. This will help us to understand the issue and resolve it quickly. Please include:
- Your name and address
- A description of your complaint and how it’s affected you
- When the issue happened and where
- A contact number (or other preferred method of contact) and a convenient time to contact you.
What we'll do
We'll record your complaint and do everything we can to resolve it quickly:
- We’ll acknowledge your complaint within 3 business days following receipt
- We'll get in touch to discuss your complaint and seek a resolution.
For more complex issues, we may need more time to investigate your concerns. If this is the case:
- We'll keep you updated of our progress throughout our investigation.
- We may need to contact you for more information using your preferred method of contact
Our Response
Once we've completed our investigation, we'll send you an outcome letter. This will outline the details of our investigation, how we reached our decision and, if appropriate, what we’re going to do to put things right. It will also provide information about The Property Ombudsman.
Whilst we allow up 15 working days to resolve your complaint, we aim to resolve all complaints as quickly as possible. We’ll send you our outcome letter as soon as we’ve completed our investigation.
If, having reviewed our outcome letter, you are still not satisfied please contact us again and we will arrange for a separate review to take place by a senior member of staff. A thorough review will be completed, following which you will receive a Final Viewpoint Letter. This can take up to a further 15 working ways.
The Property Ombudsman
If you don't agree with our resolution of your complaint and you'd like to take it further, you can ask The Property Ombudsman (TPO) to look into it. This is a free, independent and impartial service that helps resolve disputes.
Although you can refer your complaint to TPO at any time, they will require confirmation that you have exhausted our complaints procedure and have received a Final Response.
We'll send you the full details of our decision in our Final Response, including your right to refer your complaint to TPO. If you do so, it should be within 12 months of the date on our Final Response.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: 01722 333 306
Post: The Property Ombudsman, Milford House, 43-55 Milson Street, Salisbury, SP1 2BP