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Andrews began in the property business in 1946, and we’ve been operating in the Keynsham area since 1991.
Our experience, unrivalled local knowledge and personal service means you'll have the support you need throughout your property journey. From valuation through to sale or let, we adapt our advice to your property and your needs.
Whether you are selling or letting a property or looking for advice on mortgages, conveyancing or surveys, our team are able to help you through the whole process with confidence.
Our founder, Cecil Jackson-Cole, set up Andrews Estate Agents to help fund his charitable initiatives, which tackle poverty and housing issues on a national scale and global scale.
As the only estate agents owned by 2 charitable trusts, a guaranteed proportion of our yearly profits go towards these shareholders.
We also love getting involved in our local community. This spring we’re supporting the Fox and Hounds nature reserve project in Keynsham. For further information on this project head to their Facebook Group.