EPC ratings and Greener homes: What Landlords need to know.
In the UK, landlords are required to have a valid Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) for all properties they let. The EPC rating is a measure of how energy efficient a property is, and it ranges from A (most efficient) to G (least efficient).
Since April 2018, all rental properties in England and Wales must have an EPC rating of E or above. Although we do not have a definitive date from government yet, in the next 5 years, it is likely this will be increased to C or above. These changes are part of the government's plan to make all homes in the UK net zero carbon by 2050.
Why is this so important?
There are a number of benefits for landlords to improving the EPC rating of their properties. Firstly, it can help to reduce energy bills, which can save landlords money in the long run. Secondly, it can make properties more attractive to tenants, as they are increasingly looking for energy efficient homes. Thirdly, it can help to improve the value of properties, as they become more valuable in a low carbon economy.
In the current cost of living crisis, landlords who make energy efficiency improvements to their properties can also help their tenants to save money on their energy bills. This can be a valuable benefit for tenants, especially those on low income.
What can you do to improve the rating?
There are a number of ways that landlords can improve the EPC rating of their properties. Some simple and cost-effective measures include:
- Installing energy efficient light bulbs
- Draft-proofing windows and doors
- Adding insulation to lofts and walls
- Switching to energy efficient appliances
Landlords can also consider more expensive measures such as:
- Installing solar panels
- Replacing old boilers with more efficient models
- Retrofitting heat pumps
The cost of improving the EPC rating of a property will vary depending on the size and age of the property, and the extent of the improvements required. However, there are a number of government grants and schemes available to help landlords with the costs ranging from boiler upgrade schemes, VAT relief on energy saving materials and empty property grants.
Let us help
Landlords who are considering improving the EPC rating of their properties can get in contact with their local Andrews Property Group branch as we would be able to assist with all aspects of the process, from advice from a new assessment by a local energy supplier to assisting you with arranging the necessary work.
By making energy efficiency improvements to their properties, landlords can help to reduce their carbon emissions, save money on energy bills, and make their properties more attractive to tenants. In the current cost of living crisis, these benefits can be even more valuable.
Nicky Rackham, Regional Manager for Property Management